

Friday, 15 June 2012

Top 15 google tricks and secrets

google tricks and secrets

There are lots of Google tricks to enhance your productivity.Below is a list of top 15 Google tricks that I believe everyone should be aware of it.

1. Google SSL

SSL stands for Secure Socket Layer

This is the new and in beta feature from Google. Google SSL is secure connection between your computer and Google server. Any third party can't your search queries and information. The main advantage of this service is, your search visits doesn't leave any referrer links to the visited URL

2 Google search to check Flight status

<Airlines-name> <Flight-number>

3 Search Mp3 of a particular singer/artist/album/song

 You can easily find an MP3 song on the Internet easily by narrowing the search by using the syntax:

?intitle:index.of? mp3
Try searching for Eminem space bound:
?intitle:index.of? mp3 Eminem   

4 All the Google Logos in one page by Google

 Try it..

5 Google dedication to Mothers all over the world

 6. Google Timeline

Know the Google history with their milestones in an Interactive Timeline manner on Google Timeline.
Check the Google history page as well.

 7 Go Green by Google

8 Rare Google Search Tips:

Try it...

9 Google Romance Search.

10 Google can search patents.

Google can scan through the thousands of patents all over the world.

11 Google TiSP

TiSP - Toilet Internet Service Provider. LOL


12 Google Gulp

Google can now quench your thirst with knowledge


13 Google url Shortener

You can now shorten your lengthy URLs using Google's


14 Google Artificial Intelligence

15 Google indroduced Gmail Paper

Here is the new Gmail Paper. This is a new option available in Google Gmail.
You can easily request a hard copy of your message. Google will send you.

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